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Mary MacDonald-DuBois ([info]eieio) wrote in [info]valesco,
She let out a slow breath, once again collecting her thoughts and trying to string them together for some sort of coherence. "Well--it's just that...he and I, we haven't always gotten off very well. It's not that we don't like each other, it's just that we have very contrasting opinions on things and--and we tend to argue a lot about that. But. But then he--and I--we--" she stopped once more, not sure how to say what she wanted to say without sounding completely vulgar and disgusting, because this was a very nice bloke she was talking to, one who had been very polite the entire evening. If she slipped and said something wrong, it might offend him.

"Anyways," she said with another soft sigh. "We haven't really talked to each other or seen each other for a few weeks after. And--I've started feeling ill lately and I thought it was just a stomach virus or food poisoning or something, but...but it's not, and I have to tell him. I have to let him know, and I have no idea how to break that sort of news to someone. And I thought I could just wait until closer to the due date, but I keep thinking about it and--" she looked up at him, biting her lower lip.

"If it were you, you would want to know, right? That--that you had a kid on the way? Even if--even if things with the mum were a bit shaky and and--" she broke away, now trying to keep herself from breaking down into a puddle of tears and sobbing and just--bad. This Gabriel shouldn't have to deal with her breaking down. It wasn't his fault (or anyone's) that all of this had happened.

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