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A L A N D ([info]cheese_nammit) wrote in [info]valesco,
Aland really wasn't one for parties like this on Halloween. It was actually kind of weird, because the past few years he'd been the one to host a Halloween party, but this year he wasn't. Mostly because he was pretty sure no one would come. So Vivica had goaded him into coming to this one. He'd come with her and Sloan (there was no way he was calling him by his first name that was just stupid) and quickly branched off to himself.

He wasn't wearing a costume or mask - actually, he'd forgotten all about it until Vivica had shown up at his place, put him in some smart dress clothes and dragged him out. He would have to tease her about forgetting the mask, later. But now he was currently working his way through a cup of punch and standing at the back of the room while keeping his eye on some of the other occupants of the party. It wouldn't do to get caught in a blind corner with an Auror or Hit Wizard. He noticed a girl in a very white outfit and tried not to catch her eyes - with that mask on, who knew who she was? Or if she was here with anyone.

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