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the wondrous wendy a. midgen ([info]darlingwendy) wrote in [info]valesco,
Wendy was a little bit lost.

She wasn't entirely concerned, because she had little trouble striking up conversations with the other wandering souls around her, and the masks really made everything more exciting. But she was still separated from the few of the teammates she had come with, and Wendy would be lying if she said she wasn't a little bit tipsy. Not so much that she was staggering around, unable to form words, so much as she was a little bit more Wendy than she was normally.

She bumped into someone rather hard, and prayed that there was no drink in the hand she just jostled, because then she'd feel even more sorry, and she was wearing white (probably not a good idea, knowing how much of a klutz she had the potential to be), so they were all liable to be really unhappy.

"Ohh, I'm sorry!"

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