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Thorfinn Rowle : Hit Wizard ([info]bigbrother) wrote in [info]valesco,
Dreadful. Absolutely dreadful this was. Thorfinn couldn't believe that he'd been assigned this--a bloody Hogwarts ball! This task should have been put on the fresh outs or the sophomores at most. It certainly did not call for a bleeding senior hit wizard. Curse the Ministry and the cryptic language of their decrees.

</i>Protect the muggleborns.</i> Ha! Thorfinn knew the real meaning behind the new laws. They all did. Anyone who had brain should have known the truth to the segregation, but he doubted the filth could reason it out. Sheep after bloody sheep being led to slaughter. If only the Dark Lord's numbers were larger. He wouldn't have to stand there smelling their stench, hearing their frivolous prattle. He could kill them--box them in and cut their throats. The dark wizard's ears thirsted for silent screams.

But no. This was his post. On All Hallow's Eve he was tasked with shepherding the cattle. The Hit Wizards roamed the edges of the festivities--two of them incognito and rest donning the tell-tale puce robes. Another pair was tasked with roaming the halls and keeping the revelers contained. A final pair was at the doors to check-in wands and confiscate any undesirables. Thorfinn lurked near the Minister and kept a watchful eye; grinding his teeth as the beat of the peppy music bashed him about the head.

Merlin help whoever tread in his path.

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