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「ℳeredith → ℱielding」 ([info]mymeredith) wrote in [info]valesco,
Well that certainly stopped her in her tracks. Derek Dobbs seemed to have a way of being able to do that to her--or maybe Meredith was just really bad at walking away when provoked. Either way, she was facing him again in a second, fists clenched at her sides and not even understanding why she was getting this angry at the words coming out of his mouth. It wasn't like they were true anyway.

"Oh? You know, do you?" she returned. "Then how did you come to that conclusion, may I ask? What in 'I hate you, Derek, don't speak to me ever again' was unclear? Do you need me to go over it with you again to get it straight in your head, or maybe just whack you over the head to get my point across?"

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