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p▫g▪b ([info]__frankish) wrote in [info]valesco,
This was great. Not only had Frank been able to recycle this old masquerade look from before (when exactly... he had no clue), but everyone seemed to be having a good time. Everyone seemed happy. Not to mention, Alice was happy. Which really, when put into comparison, he could really care less about everyone else just as long as his wife was having a pleasant enough time. He was nearly one-hundred precent positive that Alice was entitled to being happy for one night, especially with everything that had been happening lately.

And.. they got to see everyone. Really, just Ben. And James and Lily. And Sirius. And the rest of the Order that had been shipped up to Hogwarts for the time being (the Order house was heaven, except for when Dearborn was there, though that was rare these days). Everything was just... a refreshing distraction from the outside world. Yes, that was it. And Frank liked it.

"Yes," he responded with an enthusiastic head nod. Frank smiled, and turned his head slightly to watch Alice more carefully. Yep, still happy. Maybe he should hire W.O.A.R. to come to their house and perform every night... "I see you are," he continued, jiggling his legs playfully to bounce Alice.

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