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t h e r e s e ❥ ([info]alongday) wrote in [info]valesco,
Alice was standing on the very corner of the dance floor, pushing up on her tip toes with her hands clasped in front of her as she listened to the last song. W.O.A.R. had been her favorite band for the longest, and when she found out they were going to perform at the ball, she'd given Frank her best pouting lip and pleading gaze (and maybe some sex and cake--not at the same time! Although...) to get him to agree. It probably wouldn't have taken that much effort, but she really wanted to go!

She clapped enthusiastically as the song finished and the band took an intermission. Alice watched them leave, nearly losing her balance because of her heels (and almost blinded because of her mask, but finally she was able to pry her eyes off the stage and she hurried back to the table to find Frank, trying to maintain her smile. She really hadn't done anything exciting since their wedding, so--this was fun, very fun.

Feeling happier than she had in a while, Alice didn't hesitate on sitting down on Frank's knee, hands perched on her own in a flirty manner. "Having fun?"

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