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tristan || gideon ([info]gideon) wrote in [info]valesco,
Gideon shifted and pushed his mask up a little on his face and sighed. He resisted the urge to check his watch, because he'd just done it a second ago and if he looked again, it would make him look bored. He wasn't bored though, he was at a nice party with his wife and press and she looked absolutely gorgeous, but they had a three month old and Gideon was getting antsy. They'd just left him - this wasn't the first time they'd left him with his parents or Molly or James and Lily, but this was about as far and as long as they'd been gone for. Manchester was just a short apparation trip away, but he knew how long it took to get to the edge of the wards (eight minutes at a full tilt run) or to the nearest fireplace (two minutes, so long as he wasn't stopped by anyone) but that didn't make the knot in his stomach feel any more loose.

He looked down at Gleny and gave her a smile, "That sounds like a good plan. Even quarter-till. That's not too early. I mean, if there's not too much going on. This band is okay, but definitely not what we're used to lately right?" Because when all you listened to was nursery rhymes and the wireless for Gleny's show and quidditch sportscast, all new music was...new. He didn't hate it but Gideon definitely wasn't in a mood for music critique.

"You look fabulous by the way," Gideon smiled, stroking Gleny's wrist with his thumb.

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