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the beautiful derek d. dobbs ([info]bigd) wrote in [info]valesco,
"Might know me?" he echoed, surprise coloring his voice slightly. "What would make you say that?"

Derek wondered what it was about him that was familiar to her. Physically familiar, perhaps? Had he, in one of his few sentences struck her as someone she knew? Other than himself? It had to be, right? Because if she felt that this man dancing her was anything like Derek Dobbs, he'd have a glass of punch thrown in his face faster than he could get words out.

Although he was a bit surprised she'd accepted his invitation to dance so readily. Derek had never gotten that sort of reception from her, except maybe when he was laid-up at St. Mungo's. And he didn't really think Meredith was the kind to prod the sick where it hurt.

So, then, who was he reminding her of right now?

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