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gabriel l. corner ([info]coverstory) wrote in [info]valesco,
Gabriel's lips curled up into a genuine smile, and he nodded, putting down the glasses. He was in far too good of a mood to tell her no, and there was no guilt coming from him because of Octavia. They were friends, and he was quite sure that she would have made any sort of intentions known by now. As long as he didn't leave her for the entire night, Gabriel knew that a song or two with someone who could possibly be a friend would not cause a scene.

He put out his hand and gave a short bow before stepping out onto the dance floor, wondering for a moment if she was prepared for the style of dance or if he had just agreed to waste the with a person who had two left feet.

"Are you here alone?" he asked, hoping it wasn't rude. It could be seen as a timing sort of question, he mused.

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