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the intrepid greta d. l. catchlove ([info]catchthislove) wrote in [info]valesco,
Greta wasn't entirely sure if she was going to be having fun at the ball.

It wasn't that she didn't enjoy going out with friends and being with people she knew and (generally) liked. Just-- Tilden was even more hyperactive than usual, which meant that what little intelligent conversation he could provide that didn't involve botany was even lower than normal. He kept disappearing and she had been by herself quite a bit already, and if this was what something as sophisticated as a masked ball was actually like, she would pass in future. She would so pass.

Crossing her arms impatiently while she waited for Tilden to return with their refreshments--what could be taking him so long-- she fought the urge to readjust her mask for the millionth time. Greta tried in vain to scan the crowd for him, wishing he would stop being distracted and just concentrate on her for a while. She was his date, now, wasn't she?

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