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gabriel l. corner ([info]coverstory) wrote in [info]valesco,
He was actually having a good time. He'd always enjoyed listening to Octavia's conversations, even though he didn't get much in, but he did enjoy the woman's company. Gabriel found himself laughing a bit more than he had been in the last few months, and was glad that he got to catch up with friends and people he hadn't seen in quite some time.

After a bit, he offered to get some drinks, and Gabriel was milling around the punch bowl when he spotted the brightly colored dress. His eyes behind his mask lingered on it, wondering how a normally distressing color such as that could actually look...well, lovely. Maybe it was the drinks he'd had before, but he couldn't help but comment.

"Your dress is rather striking," he said, tilting his chin in the woman's direction. Gabriel smiled lightly, wondering if he should have tried a bit harder than his black suit and mask.

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