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Lydia Proudfoot ([info]maneater) wrote in [info]valesco,
Lydia Proudfoot had opted for a skirt a little shorter than she had first anticipated for the ball, if only because she knew it would draw more attention to her fabulous legs. There was nothing wrong with wanting to do that! Besides, she took great joy in watching Healer Smethwyck's eyes get as wide as saucers. There was also the fact that she felt that she was at least indirectly required to wear house colours whether she was in Slytherin still or not -- and the dramatic mask went well with the outfit she'd picked out.

She tugged insistently on Smeth's arm, glancing over to Stefana. The girl had wanted to wear a hideous white ... sheet, but Lydia had managed to convince her that a racier number would be much more fitting. All the more shocking to Smeth when he had answered her door and she had announced to him that she'd found him a second date -- not an alternate date, but a woman for his other arm.

There had certainly been comments about busy hands. The evening was (hopefully) going to shape up to be most interesting.

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