Mackenzie had never honestly been to Mary MacDonald's home before. That little fact had occurred to her after she had left Mungo's and decided to go over the girl's house to check up on her. So it was a feat in itself that Mackenzie had managed to find the little flat without Sebastian's help whatsoever, just remembering tidbits he had said in passing, and perhaps asking some people along the way that she did not know. But the point was that she was there, and trying to help this girl that she did not exactly know well. Or at least enough to call her more than an acquaintance through her husband.
What had compelled her to come, Mackenzie would never know. There was not necessarily a bridge to rebuild per say, or anything like that, since the two of them had actually never really talked before, but maybe doing this now would take care of any leftover and lingering ill feelings that might still be present. Because honestly enough, while she did not know Mary personally, Mackenzie was very much aware of how opinionated she was about... things. So, going to check up on the poor girl certainly shouldn't hurt.
Oh, Merlin. She sounded like one of the boys; trying to make sure the way people thought of her was in tact. When had that ever bothered her before?
Shaking her head, Mackenzie took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Maybe they would become friends. Why not? All of her friends seemed to hate each other, so why not add another person to the list? Or, you know. They could just hate each other, which was incredibly likely too. Or really, Mary wouldn't like her and Mackenzie would just stay away from her; Mackenzie liked to reserve the word of 'hate' for just one person in her life, and she was fairly certain Mary MacDonald was not her.
"I brought crackers!"
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