A sympathetic smile spread across across Mackenzie's face as she slipped into the flat, closing the door behind her. Mary looked just about a few moments away from turning green and then throwing up all over the floor. While she herself had never experienced food poisoning before, when she was younger, Christopher had the unlucky treat of experiencing it. From what Mackenzie could remember, it was almost a day and a half of painfully watching him holed up in the bathroom only to get pulled out once and a while by their mother to be force fed anything that would keep him from starving.
"Have you tried eating anything?" she asked gently, sitting down in a nearby chair. She placed everything she had brought in her lap, watching Mary intently. Just before she had left the hospital, Mackenzie had asked one of the other Healers what she should do with the poor girl. And, well. There really wasn't anything you could do, except wait it out. But luckily, Mary should be feeling better soon, since it had been just about a day.
"I'm not sure there's anything you can do..." Mackenzie answered, her head tilting slightly. Maybe she should check to make sure Mary didn't have a fever, or anything of that sort. Though she was sure the girl would be able to know for herself. Of course, that didn't change Mackenzie's inner instinct to just make sure anyway.
Mackenzie stood up, and leaned over to put the back of her hand on Mary's head. Usually, she would have felt more than uncomfortable doing this to Mary, but Mackenzie was in a completely different mind set now. Now, she was a Healer checking a patient.
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