The ball of parchment landed gently on top of her scribbled out essay, and Kobe's eyes shot up to see who had sent it over. Of course it was Gavin, when wasn't it Gavin? It's like---he was obsessed with her, or something.
Except he hadn't been paying that much attention to her, lately, but. Still.
With a great breath, she opened up the paper and read the short message, lips being sucked in as she thought about the consequences. Yes, consequences. If she let Gavin help her, he'd have to talk to her. If she continued to let him help her, he would be near her for a long period of time. If Gavin actually did a good job at his bit of tutoring, she was going to have to see him again, and again, because Kobe didn't like putting things to waste.
Looking very indecisive for a few long moments (Kobe was very good at this expression, and turning on one of complete and utter boredom), she finally tilted her head over at Gavin and nodded, kicking out a chair with her foot to indicate that she was not going to move to go over there. That would mean that she was like---eager, or something.
Which she wasn't.
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