Even though Gavin was in his final and seventh year of Hogwarts, and Head Boy to boot, he had to admit, he kind of still didn't have this whole "studying" and "homework" thing figured out yet. He heard people say that their studying skills had improved exponentially the longer they stayed in school, but he felt like it was the opposite for him. As he got older, he got lazier. Sometimes that worried him.
So this year, he had vowed to buckle down more and not let fooling around or procrastination (two things he was very good at) gum up the works. Besides, being Head Boy, he had to show some example, right? He had already figured out that if he worked in his room, he would get distracted by other things; if he worked in the common room, he would chat it up with other procrastinators. Thus, this only left him with one option - the library. He never really was fond of the library except when he wanted a quick nap in between classes, but... this essay was not going to write itself.
He went over to the back of the library, where few students were sitting, and as he sat down, his gaze went directly towards a head of long dark hair sitting about two tables up. Oi, he knew that head! It was a back of a head he had enjoyed watching for the past six or so years. He opened his mouth to say something but shut it. She was bent over the table, scribbling furiously, and though the temptation was quite high, he knew that if he wanted to live, he would have to keep his mouth shut. For now.
However, about two lines in (two lines including his name, subject, year, and er, that was about it), Kobe's exasperated exclamation caught his attention. Not one to ever ignore Kobe, although Kobe certainly did her best to ignore him, he scribbled a quick "Need help???" on a spare piece of parchment, crumpled it up, and with a flick of his wand, sent it soaring to land on her table.
She probably would flick it back to his head, but hey, at least he tried, right?
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