Who: Ludo and Miranda
What: Extra help for play practice
When: Sunday afternoon, after they finish up with the all cast practice
Ludo was nervous and anxious and all together not looking forward to this. He had done horribly all afternoon and he was a bit surprised that Miranda hadn't thrown more than nasty glares at him. He sighed as he sat at the edge of their makeshift stage, then let himself slowly fall back until he was lying on the table, his feet dangling, kicking as he waited. He had been so caught up in school and Quidditch and play practice lately that...this was the first time he'd taken a breather for himself. His thoughts were mulled and racing; there were so many things that he had to remember, that he had to make sure happened that if he were to write them out it would likely take a whole 24 inches of parchment. So many expectations, so many lines...and he didn't even want to think about the bloody dancing.
No, not just yet at least. Right now he had reverted back to childhood. He was alone in his own little world; the bright sunlight was shining on his face, painting the inside of his eyelids a bright red that danced and twinkled with spots of black here and there from a tree outside. As his feet dangled, he thought that he may look childish but as it was only him and Miranda...well, that wouldn't much matter would it? She already thought him to be the biggest arse in the school, so there wasn't much he could do to taint his reputation further. He let out a slow sigh before humming to himself a bit from summer nights.
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