WHO?: Brynn Priddy & Dylan Vane.
WHAT?: Passing the time at Brynn's place , watching TV.
WHEN?: Nighttime!
They had everything but the ice cream. Brynn and Dylan were sitting on the couch, the light from the TV flickering brightly in the otherwise dark room. For snacks, in place of ice cream, the two were making do with just the toppings that would regularly go atop ice cream rather than be the main show. This, after all, was completely acceptable behavior if there wasn't any ice cream readily available, right? Brynn and Dylan started hanging out shortly after reconnecting at that party a little while back. So far, though, it'd been strictly platonic, despite how her friends teased her.
Taking the bottle of whipped cream from Dylan's hand, she tilted her head back and squirted an obscene amount into her mouth, brushing the excess from her lips with her forearm, never once taking her eyes from the television screen. Superman was on, and it was awesome. It was definitely skyrocketing into one of her top ten movies, anyway.
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