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Below is information about the "Scribbld Usernames" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:usernames (7738)
Name:Scribbld Usernames
Theme:Collection of inactive and deleted user accounts on Scribbld. Each one for sale!

This community is closed and no longer active!! PLEASE DO NOT SEND US MONEY FOR USERNAMES!!!

This is a collection of usernames that have been abandoned or were repossessed by Scribbld due to hoarding and other inappropriate actions. Please READ THE RULES. There will be NO exceptions if you make a mistake. It's your loss, not ours! In order to get the usernames you want, all you have to do is follow the rules!

1. Each username costs $4 USD.
2. You may purchase as many usernames as you would like.
3. There are NO refunds.
4. You MUST delete any information, userpics, entries if the journal has any.
5. PayPal is the ONLY form of payment accepted.
6. PayPal can be sent to james.brancaccio@gmail.com ONLY.
7. Please include the usernames you wish to have in the comments/notes section when in the PayPal payment form.
8. If you forget to include the usernames you desire in the comments field on PayPal email me (james.brancaccio@gmail.com) with your PayPal transaction ID and the usernames you want (remember each one costs $2 USD).
9. It might take up to 48 hours for requests to be processed but we will definitely get to them!
Maintainers:2: jimmy, way
Moderators:2: jimmy, way
Members:415: 10, 1111, 182, _bden_, aambrosio, affleck, afterparty, airin, akane, akihikio, alkaline, allerdyce, allman, ally, almostfamous, alone, ambrosio, amiable, annawintour, antoinette, anw, aristoboule, armaangelus, armstrong, arrested, asea, athenaspupil, aura, autobiography, avenged, avril, babs, badkitty, badwolf, ballerina, bana, batmond, beckymarie, besani, betch, bethany, binki, bitch, bitten, bless, blg, blind, blunted, bollywood, boobie, book, bouncy, boyslikegirls, breen, bright, britfag, britneyspears, broken, brownie, byammnt, cake, camisado, carmenite, casablancas, cassie, cd, celebrate, chatwin, cheerleader, cherish, cherrycoke, chickenpotpie, chip, chris, chuckles, cjf, clairedanes, clarity, cloudcult, cobrastarship, coco, comeclean, coroner, crashed, creative, cristina_lacosa, croft, ct, currier, daisy, daisyduke, dakin, daleks, dangerous, dani, danieljohns, daphne, david, deathsentence, derwoodsen, desire, destiny, detroit, devon, dextermorgan, diaf, diaframpton, dirrty, dirtydog, disneyworld, displace, door, dressler, drielle, duckula, dunstanly, dwightkschrute, eevee, effy, efronzac, elviscostello, empires, enchanted, encore, evansc, everafter, everywhere, ex_grave823, eystri, fadedpicture, fairyprincess, fame, fantine, flight, fontana, foofighters, foxxy, franny, frontpunch, fucker, funky, gaffe, gang, ganja, gav, gavin, geology, georgeta, georgie, girlsandboys, greenlander, greygoose, gyllenhaaljake, haleybennett, hanson, hasbeen, hayls, hdancy, hduff, headgirl, heartcanttakeit, heartfelt, heath, heathledger, hedwig, heigl, hellokitty, heo, heroics, heymonalisa, hilarie, hilarton, hilary, hilaryduff, hitler, holly, hollyhood, hough, hudgensva, hudsonkate, im_sirius, imagine, ingrid, inguna, inspire, inwonderland, isurrender, izzie, jae, jaime, jamesamcavoy, jamielynnspears, jawbreaker, jcm, jdg, jenner, jessi_muses, jetsabel, jimcarrey, jimmy, joanfontaine, johncena, joss, juggy, julie, justdoit, jwalk, kaiserchiefs, kalt, karma, kei, keith, keough, kianna, kickawesome, kissies, kissing, knightleys, kratos, kristine_, lacoste, ladybug218, lapina, lawliet, lawrencegordon, lemma, lesli, lively, logan, louisstevens, lourdes, lovestoned, lovey, macguffin, madara, maddie, madhatter, magical, majesty, mandyjane, maps, march, marsupialpirate, maryalice, maxbemis, mclean, medusa, melanie, metalhead, mikepitt, milez, minghella, miserybusiness, miss, miss_tori, missdavis, misskittenpants, mmmbop, model, momma, morag, morfin, mrjoel, mssrprongs, mstrkrft, myheart, narnia, neon, neptune, nichols, nuclear, oberst, ofmontreal, oklahoma, orlandojbb, oscar, otter, outrageous, outspoken, page, paire, palumbo, pandolfo, panettiere, panicatthedisco, panicked, paramore, patrick, patrickfugit, pattinson, perfectionist, pike, pistol, plastic, polexia, pookie, posh, prue, pulledtrigger, purple, pygmypuffle, radtke, rainbowling, rgeorger, roniah, roryhuntzberger, roseb, rosenberg, rossr, rubbish, rumors, ruth, salazarsqueen, samaire, sanrio, scarecrows, scilence, scrubs, sedate, serena, serpent, seventeen, sexandcandy, shadow, sharingan, shawnee, shellz, shiade, shiri, shoreline, skye, sm, snow, snwpnitsirk, sophia, southern, space, spark, sparkplug, sparrows, spell, spencerjsmith, spillcanvas, springstorm, stage, stanford, starbuck, stigmata, stj, suarez, sugarbaby, sweeney, sweetpea, t, tale, tara_fleur, tay, taylor, techno_goddess, texas, thealmost, thekillers, theo_nott, thisishell, thrashunreal, thumbsucker, ticklemepink, tinah, tingles, tiptoes, trainwreck, treat, tress, true, tryst, tuck, tucking, turk, uhoh, unconquered, underoath, underwood, undiscovered, undreamt, unicorn, utada, val0, valenti, valkyrie, vanitycase, versaemerge, verse, veruca, wasabi, waterbender, way, weresostarving, whannell, whimsical, white, why, wilder, witches, witwicky, wolf, wplk, xo, yflmd, zoli, zombeh
Watched by:275: 1111, 182, _bden_, affleck, afterparty, akihikio, alkaline, allerdyce, ally, alone, amiable, annawintour, anw, argento, aristoboule, armaangelus, armstrong, asea, autobiography, avenged, avril, badkitty, badwolf, ballerina, bana, batmond, beckymarie, besani, binki, bitch, bitten, blind, blunted, bollywood, boobie, bouncy, breen, bright, britfag, brownie, byammnt, cake, camisado, casablancas, celebrate, chatwin, cheerleader, chickenpotpie, chip, chris, chuckles, cjf, cloudcult, coco, comeclean, coroner, creative, croft, ct, daisy, dakin, daleks, dangerous, dani, danieljohns, daphne, daydreams, derwoodsen, desire, destiny, detroit, devon, diaf, dirtydog, dressler, duckula, dwightkschrute, eevee, effy, efronzac, eitak, elviscostello, enchanted, encore, evansc, everafter, everywhere, eystri, fairyprincess, fantine, flight, foofighters, foxborohottubs, frontpunch, fucker, funky, gang, gav, gavin, georgeta, georgie, haleybennett, hanson, hayls, hdancy, headgirl, heartfelt, heathledger, hellokitty, heo, hilarton, hilary, holly, hollyhood, hudgensva, hudsonkate, imagine, inguna, inspire, inwonderland, isurrender, izzie, jae, jamielynnspears, jawbreaker, jcm, jessi_muses, jetsabel, jimcarrey, jimmy, joanfontaine, johncena, johnnycupcakes, juggy, justdoit, jwalk, kaiserchiefs, kalt, karma, keith, keough, kianna, kickawesome, kissies, knightleys, kristine_, lacoste, ladybug218, lapina, latedrives, ...
Account type:Early Adopter

(more details...)

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