Voting [Mod Post] |
[Apr. 24th, 2010|10:34 pm] |
Hokay, modly post of important importance. Don't be afraid to read this.
Our latest proposal is that we move traverse town to insanejournal. The pros of a move is that it's more of an rp hub and you get more icons. Which just means more pretty picture space and more possible members.
The downside is that since IJ is an rp hub names will be lacking and it wont feel as comfortable as scribbld does.
Oh, awesome, I'm great at explaining this. Really though, that's the long and the short of it. If we want more members, pictures, ect we could move to IJ if we like things the way they are then we can stay on scribbs and simply try harder to bring in more people.
The vote is up to you, dear members. Simply reply with your thoughts about moving. Any questions and such you can ask too. |
Obviously making links gets me hot! [I guess it's a Mod post] |
[Apr. 18th, 2010|07:03 pm] |
Alright, alright. I took it upon myself to clean up the old journals on the main comm and the ooc comm. So if you get an email saying I removed something I shouldn't have? Know that it wasn't intentional. Just come on back and you have my apologies.
I also wanted to say good job on at the April Fools Event guys. Those were a lot of fun to read and many thanks to those who organized it and put in the time and effort to make it awesome. Don't forget to drop by this link and offer suggestions for a theme for May as well as other fun stuff!
Don't forget that powerpuff's lovely taken list is up here for your viewing pleasure.
And that the drop post is here in case you have some muses that are getting dusty you'd like to dump off.
Promotion~ We need more souls to feast upon! Bring your friends! The more the merrier as they are want to say. Send them to the claims post or just go there yourself if you've had a new muse rolling around in your head space.
But really, in conclusion, you guys are awesome. Keep being awesome. |
Warnings! |
[Dec. 6th, 2009|04:42 am] |
Oh man, I get to make a mod post. How stoked am I? Very. That's how. Today I'm going to school you guys on warnings!
When you make an rp post, the warnings slot is used for questionable content. Things like sex, violence, and shit.
Acceptable things that fall into this category are: Sexual stuff Violent stuff Gory stuff Character related warnings (An example of this is Neku's recent post warning.)
Things that don't fall into warnings: Swearing Sugary fluffy stuff - If you're going to fluff and you think it needs a warning, then be direct with what it is, for example kissing, touching, ect. Not just 'omg kaiwaii cutesy fluff desu!~" Post summary - the warnings is NOT a place to make a summary of your post.
I'm thinking this clears up any confusion. Any questions, comments, complaints, drop them here and I'll see what I can do about answering them. |
*Wants Your Lovin'* |
[Nov. 18th, 2009|11:38 pm] |
Okay here is the official deal
I don't care if you all wish to make verbal agreements of things with one another. Just as long as EVERYONE involved in said agreement knows and consents with said agreement.
i.e. Xemnas and Maleficent cannot have a verbal agreement that they have a tape of the morality puppet show they made using Roxas and Axel's underoos without asking Axel and Roxas first. (But OMG tickets to this please!)
Any questions on that. Bring em! |
MODLY MODLINESS OF THE THIRD KIND or something like that... |
[Nov. 17th, 2009|03:39 pm] |
[ | Tags | | | modpost | ] |
[ | Current Mood |
| | full | ] |
This time with 50% more information.
After careful consideration, we have decided that it is in the best interest of the community to create xttown for all your smutty rp needs. We mods feel that too much smut in the main comm may be driving off people who are not interested in a smut rp environment. We sincerely hope that those of you who engage in smut rp are not put off by this or misconstrue it as the mods here trying to stifle your creativity, because that is not the case. (I mean, I rp smut too, so yeah). So if you're interested in that, please join the community and post all your smut there from here on out.
If you post smut in the main comm, you will have a 24 hour grace period to move it to the smut comm or else a mod will delete your post. If a post starts off smut-free and begins to go in that direction, you do not have to move the entire thread to xttown, simply make a post there for the smut and link from the post in the main comm to it for those who may be interested in reading the non-smut portion only and vice-versa. Think of it as "moving it to the bedroom," so to speak. ;)
This rule change only applies to posts made after this announcement.
Second order of business, I don't know if everyone knows, but we do have a crack comm! crackttown. It wasn't in the info for a while due to an error on our part and is completely optional, but if you want to have a hilarious post demanding penguins, that's where to go.
Last, but certainly not least, I don't know if everyone's aware of this, but theabyss will no longer be posted in. We're leaving the comm up so that old entries there are available for the reading pleasure of other members, but the abyss has become The World That Never Was and you can simply post in the main comm with "where" as "The World That Never Was" just like with the other towns that were recently added.
Any questions? Ask us here! I'm screening comments, so feel free to speak your minds. |
[Oct. 6th, 2009|08:32 pm] |
[ | Tags | | | modpost | ] |
[ | Current Mood |
| | accomplished | ] |
Alright. To save you all from having to read the comments in the post below this one......... here's the skinny.
On Friday (FRIDAY, FRIDAY, FRIDAY) I will make a post in the IC comm. The post will describe a tremor and some strange things will ensue. Notably, there will be new areas to rp in.
The Areas: Twilight Town Destiny Islands The World That Never Was Castle Oblivion Hollow Bastion aka Radient Garden
We are not making new comms for each. You will use the WHERE portion of your entries to specify where you are. Let me say that you must not forget to fill this out in each and every post.
You can easily reach all of the new areas by walking except for the Islands. You must take the train from Twilight Town in order to reach the Islands. All other areas are reached by exiting Traverse via the large doors in District 1 and heading to the Crossroads Field. The field is also a playable area, if you want to camp out or have a large field to play frisbee in or something. Here's a map to simply things: clicka~
Your characters are still stuck in this world and cannot leave. They can try to walk to the end of the field, but will simply end up back at the middle of the field. They can try to swim out from the islands, but it will be like swimming in circles and they will eventually just end back up at the island. There is no escaping unless you drop the character. ♥
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! |
Modliness~~~~ |
[Aug. 4th, 2009|03:51 am] |
[ | Tags | | | modpost | ] |
[ | Current Mood |
| | hyper | ] |
It has been brought to my attention that there are some complaints about a few things here.
First, this is a multi-fandom rp. So, while I know you're tempted to stay in little cliques that only involve canon characters, please try to make it a point to branch out. That's not the biggest issue, though.
I've been told that some people are godmodding, though by the descriptions I've been given, it does not sound intentional. So, I shall attempt to clear this up via example:
Godmodding: Dante threw a water balloon at Zelos, hitting him in the face.
Not Godmodding: Dante threw a water balloon at Zelos, aiming for the face.
See, you have to leave your actions open so that the other character can decide if they want to go that route or not. Don't force them into your own storyline unless you've talked to them before you hit "submit." Please keep in mind that you only play your character. Don't fill in descriptions or actions for other characters unless their muns allow you to.
This public service announcement has been brought to you by our sponsors. |
[May. 31st, 2009|12:28 am] |
Doing a cut next Saturday of all the inactive people. You all know who you are and if you are actually active or not. Just felt we were over due for one. |
[Feb. 23rd, 2009|12:19 pm] |
Okay as I said here is the list of people who have been M.I.A. for a good long period of time. If you're on tihs list and would like to stick around. Then get you better make a noise do something this week because next Monday I'm doing my house cleaning.
Hip. Hip. Horray.
The List
Now some of you on that list may have more characters than that. I just listed the first character I came across of yours on the claims list. I'm not mean or picky. All I ask is that you show a little life in at least one of them before the cut and you stay and keep all of them. Sounds fair right?
Also! Remember. We do have a crack community which is always super special fun. crackttown. You know just if you're looking for quick fun. |
Activity Check |
[Feb. 12th, 2009|09:21 pm] |
[ | Tags | | | modpost | ] |
[ | Current Mood |
| | aggravated | ] |
OKAY! Once again I will being doing an activity check next week. Anyone who has totally been dead to this place and hasn't informed either myself or one of my fly hunnies (also known as co-mods) will be on that list. If you still aren't active when I do the cut the following week you'll be cut and your characters may be given away to nice homes.
Or killed off for my personal amusement. |
Merry Christmas Now GTFO My Lawn |
[Dec. 24th, 2008|07:45 pm] |
Will now be removed from the community. Whomp Waaaaah I gave you a month so if you know you still want to stick around take it up with me. Otherwise okay I love you buh bai. And for you suckers who have been active lately. Awwwww you guys me sexy party later. Seriously. Pleased Vi is pleased. |
[Dec. 15th, 2008|12:33 am] |
So. I really lol'd and was amused by Euphemia's intro post and how awesome it was in the comments. I thought it would be a good idea to have an outlet for crack rp like that, and have thus created crackttown for that! Basically, since the ooc is for announcements from mods, intros of new characters, etc., I figured it'd be good to have something like this for anytime someone just wants to make a silly post and still be ... a character ... even if it is a little ooc. 8D
SO. Go join it and have fun. :D It's optional, though. ;D |
Warning! |
[Dec. 11th, 2008|04:58 pm] |
This list, as promised, are the people who haven't been or have never been active. You have until next week to be active or you lose your characters. You only have to be active on at least one of them. Hence why I've only posted one of the characters you've all claimed.
For all of you who have been so awesome and active lately thanks! It's been a blasty blast so far. |
[Dec. 3rd, 2008|06:21 pm] |
[ | Tags | | | modpost | ] |
[ | Current Mood |
| | sassy | ] |
Next Wednesday. I'm going to go through this community and post a list of all the people who haven't been active. Seriously. Some of you have picked up things and then disappeared. If your name make the list next week you can either show that you actually alive and post or participate or I just kick you out. Or sell your character. Or maybe kill you off if I'm feel saucy. Depends on my mood that day.
Anyway questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, proclamations that you didn't realize this was an RP when you claimed that character yeah put 'em here. |