Mod Trying To Make Plans:
A number of WICKED-AWESOME holidays are coming up and I think we should celebrate them with some TOTALLY-WICKED-AWESOME events in this place. What do you think?
St.Patrick's Day: (March 17th) Okay so not all of you are Irish and I thiiiink Matt is the only one actually in the roleplay with any Irish in there. I'm just assuming because of the hair. ANYWAY, the day iiiis known for a bunch of people getting drunk and I know we all like an occasional drunk scenario. So if you want to celebrate it with some sort of flipping amazing house-party or you got any other ideas for it comment with a YESPLZ to this holiday. I'm also thinking about those little irish shorties with the pot of gold. Ideas, ideas? We could even skip this holiday all together and save the drunk-awesomeness for Cinco De Mayo.
First Day Of Spring: (March 20th) I don't think this exactly calls for an event but it's probably safe to say that once this day hits... you probably shouldn't be making your characters complain about cold weather anymore. Get your snow posts in before here, yes yes?
April Fools Day: (April 1st) CLEARLY WE NEED SOME EVENT FOR THIS. It is only the bestest day ever. What I've been thinking is we have some topsy turvey situations going on. We could make a list of awesome things that could happen to a character, put 'em in a hat, and then see what is happening to who. (READ: One person could suffer a genderswitch while two others have a body-switch, and one person is now turned into a cat. CHAOS! And everybody wins!) JUST A SUGGESTION THOUGH. I have no authority force that. PLZ CONTRIBUTE SUGGESTIONS/AGREEMENTS/IDEAS. :D
Easter: (April 4th) Now Easter is so damn close to April fools that I'm thinking whatever event takes place on April 1st should overlap with Easter. Everything goes topsy turvey--- WHILE there are eggs hidden everywhere? I have no idea. Let's get some ideas going.
And then Holiday's after that have a nice four-week-nothing-going-on-space-in-between so we'll worry about those much much later~
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