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☆ Siehe meine Krone? Ich bin König. ☆ ([info]hammerofjustice) wrote in [info]ttooc,
@ 2009-11-09 18:22:00

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Mod Post!
Yaaay Im doing a mod post! To take a break from being lazy, I'm putting together an information database for the community as a reference guide. It's basically going to be a link to all character wiki pages and series pages so that in your spare time or if you just need a guide to a character you're interacting with you can get information. I'll say this now and repeat it later but this WILL NOT be used as a tool for godmodding. It's more or less going to be an informational guide to aid people with better understanding of the characters they are playing with and for the curious.

I will also be including personal notes for some characters, which brings me to this post. If you are playing your character from a specific arc in your series/game/book/ storyline, I'd like to know what it is so I can add it to the notes. This does not apply to everybody but for some characters that's the time frame they wish to play their characters from.

For example:
I play Pegasus from Yu-gi-oh! after the events of Duelist Kingdom but prior to Battle City. So he lacks an eye, he's not villainous, and he has no events of what transpires from Battle City onward.

If there are any other notes you'd like me to add to your character that cannot be found in wiki but are more relevant to the RP then please also let me know that. This would include but is not limited to personal relationships, jobs, roommates, ect. If you want me to include that information in the database.

I will begin working on it promptly and I will update it when we receive new claims or people get new information they wish to add. Appreciate the help guys!

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2009-11-10 04:34 pm UTC (link)
It does. ^^

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2009-11-10 04:35 pm UTC (link)
The other thing about putting in rp-related information is that rp circumstances can change all the time, which is why I was so wary to put more rp-related info.

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2009-11-10 04:37 pm UTC (link)
That's why I think the wikia would be a better idea for that. Though living situations are usually fairly stable after a month of RP play. So putting those up is totally fair.

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2009-11-10 04:39 pm UTC (link)
Living situations, yes. Agreed XD

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2009-11-10 04:41 pm UTC (link)
Yeah and I'll update as I need to but I was offering a few side notes for people besides the timeline one. I'm sure people just use their best judgement. I hope. XD

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2009-11-10 04:43 pm UTC (link)
*nods* Makes sense XD I might come back and add more :x At the moment I just don't feel a need I guess? XD;

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2009-11-10 04:45 pm UTC (link)
Oh yeah, you're perfect on what you gave me. That's exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for. ♥

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2009-11-10 04:46 pm UTC (link)
Good deal, thanks for letting me know :D ♥

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