This is just your reminder that the zombie/carnival/costume events are OVER. So there will be now new threads with those. Current active threads are a-okay though. You may now go back to whacking around heartless or nobodies or off
Also if anyone has any more ideas for future events go ahead and comment here. Or ravage me in an IM you know how I like it.
On a final not I am doing a clean up with week. So anyone who hasn't been active in awhile is going to be booted. This cut goes by PLAYERS not characters. If you played with one of your characters recently you're safe. I don't care if you haven't used on in a month as long as you active on at least one of your claimed recently you're golden. (Though really when claiming try to use good judgment about how many you can handle this is an RP not a blog crew *admits to being just as guilty about this as the next person though*)
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