Traverse Town OOC - November 12th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Traverse Town OOC

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November 12th, 2009

Football Event Reminder! [Nov. 12th, 2009|12:51 pm]


Okay, here's another football event update!

I'm going to have Mamori release an IC post announcing a football tournament with official rules (link here). She'll be asking people to make teams of three and submit them there.

Here I'm going to put an official list of the characters playing. You're still welcome to join in, and it would be fun if you did some RP plays were characters try to recruit others. If you want to join in, or add more people, please do so here so I can keep track of them all in one place.

The one of the catch is that you can't play with people from your own world (so Hiruma and Sena are not allowed to be on the same team). I'll put a list of teams at the bottom as they come in here, so you can check. You are welcome to play with your own characters (so Leon, Mikage and Zack are welcome to be a team).

Because they games will be separate entities, they don't have to all happen at once and on the same day (they can though, I don't mind running two games at once). Games can start as early as December 11th and have to be done by Jan 3rd. I don't mind doing evenings, or early mornings for games. I'll post dates and times in ECT when I do have them.

EDIT: These are the people you can make teams from. Its official now!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via IM (AIM: Kairos Skyeyes), PM, or replying to this post.
The List )

The Teams )

Happy playing,

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[Nov. 12th, 2009|01:51 pm]



Plus some characters who wanted to be dropped have been deleted from the list, and I think that about sums that up. The add all list has been updated and is in the memories if you need to go back to it. You may all now commence claiming more seeing as I have everything updated!
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BIRTHDAYS! [Nov. 12th, 2009|02:37 pm]


I was trying to compose a master list of all the characters birthdays. Care to help me out by posting your character's birthdays here. If you don't have a canon stated one you can make one up! Just comment with them if you can!
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