Who: Melly Sullivan and OPEN
What: TBA!
Where: By her locker.
When: Thursday Sept 7th; After school.
Rating: TBA. Probably PG.
Status: OPEN!
Melly didn't exactly love school, at least not for anything that had anything to do with academics, but she was pretty glad to be back. It wasn't as easy to socialize over the summer and she'd missed her friends a lot. Not to mention there was this really cute new guy she'd been noticing in her classes and she was anxious to compare notes with Abbie. You know, on top of the notes and texts they'd exchanged all day, of course.
The nice thing about it being the first day was that cheerleading tryouts weren't until next week, which meant she had a free afternoon to do whatever. Shopping or maybe just hanging out with her bestie seemed like a good way to pass that time, so she was going to go find Abbie just as soon as she was done here. It really wasn't fair that Mr. Hayes had made her stay a few minutes after class. That was valuable time she could have been spending with Abbie talking about the new hottie in their class.
"I wonder what his story is," she mused to herself as she set her books in her locker and quickly checked her reflection in the mirror. She definitely intended to find out. |
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