Entry tags: | !open thread, ♣ character: abbie watkins, ♣ character: alyssa flynn, ♣ character: ed mcmillan, ♣ character: grayson taylor, ♣ character: james turner, ♣ character: jeremy pitt, ♣ character: kris forrester, ♣ character: libby andrews, ♣ character: melly sullivan, ♣ character: ollie wendell, ♣ character: ryan johnson, ♣ character: sammie wendell, ♣ character: tiffany hartman, ♥ player: crystal, ♥ player: lena |
Who: Jase Forrester, Kris Forrester and Guests.
What: PARTY! Everyone's invited!
Where: the Forresters. Parents are out for a few days >.>
When: Tuesday night; December 26th
Rating: Who the hell knows? Probably R.
Status: Group thread/OOC discussion post.
So, as posted in Jase's journal, he and Kris threw together a very last minute party after their parents decided to go out of town for a few days. EVERYONE was invited. Feel free to post actual threads in the comments OR you can just post about which of your characters were there and what they did.
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