"'m tough," Chandler mumbled another reassurance as he held her as close to him as he could. He was far from okay, technically, but he was awake and alive, at least. Some cracked ribs, a sprained wrist and a wide assortment of bruises were the worst of it. It hurt, but it was nothing he couldn't deal with.
"I love you, too," he returned with a smile as his hand brushed over her cheek. Chandler wasn't sure exactly when his feelings for his best friend had deepened. It was probably sometime between that first kiss and now. He did know that he was head over heels for the girl in his arms, though.
It was the last thing he should be doing in a hospital bed, but a moment late Chandler was brushing his lips over hers. It had been far too long since he had kissed her and now that he was awake, he definitely wanted to correct that.
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