Her eyes filled with tears when he gave her a weak smile. She knew that he was probably in a lot of pain, and she hated that she couldn't do anything to help. Once again, her thoughts turned to his older brother. If this was his fault... if Chandler was hurting because of him, she was going to... something. She didn't know what she was going to do, but she knew that he couldn't keep getting away with this.
"I'm here," she assured him when he began to tug at her hand.
Ana had loved Chandler her entire life, but her feelings for him had begun to change. They weren't just friends, anymore. They were something else... something more. She hadn't rushed to put a title on their relationship, but she knew that she meant it differently when she told him that she loved him.
"I'm not going anywhere, Chand," she continued. "I'm here."
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