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jules campbell ([info]julesrules) wrote in [info]themouserace,
@ 2012-01-23 16:54:00

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Entry tags:♣ character: julia campbell, ♣ character: owen walker, ♥ player: cindy, ♥ player: lena

Who: Julia Campbell and Owen Walker.
What: Hanging out at the Navy Pier.
Where: Navy Pier, Chicago
When: 20 minutes after this.
Rating: PG, I'm sure!
Status: Incomplete Thread,

Jules loved the Navy Pier. There was always something to do there, something to keep her entertained. She always had a really great time. Being here with Owen was cool, too. She liked browsing alone, soemtimes, but she also really liked hanging out with her friend.

There was so much to do that she couldn't really decide what she was in the mood for. Except for food. Jules was starving. Grabbing Owen's hand excitedly, she started to tug him in that direction.

"Let's eat first!" she told him. "I'm so hungry, I could eat a bear!"

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2012-01-24 04:57 am UTC (link)
Navy Pier had been a great idea. It was a place Owen liked a lot too. There was never a shortage of activities. He came here occasionally but it was always more fun with someone else.
After smelling the different food and Jules suggestions, his stomach was realizing how hungry it was. He chuckled lightly as she grabbed his hand and tugged him in that direction. He let her start to lead them to where she wanted to eat.
"I'd be interested to see where you could put a bear," Owen teased, looking her over. "Because I don't think you could."

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2012-01-25 10:20 pm UTC (link)
"You'd be surprised," she answered him with a smirk. " I have a really fast metabolism." That was true, though she might have been exaggerating just a little bit about how hungry she was. She was hungry, though. STARVING. That was the important point here.

"So, what are you craving?" she asked him, grinning over at him as she brushed a few strands of hair away from her face. She was in a great mood. She was already having a good time and she knew the day could only get better.

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2012-01-27 02:09 am UTC (link)
"Even if you could, you'd have no where to put it," Owen teased again. Look at her! (And he didn't mind the added opportunity to look her over again. She was incredibly hot after all.) There really wasn't anywhere to put all of that.

"Hmm. How about…" he trailed off as he thought about the places selling food. "How about Margaritaville?" Owen suggested thinking about their burgers. They had really good burgers. "Unless you feel like something else. You're the one that could eat a bear!"

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2012-01-29 03:58 am UTC (link)
Jules didn't exactly mind the way he was looking at her and she grinned when he teased her a little more. She always enjoyed their teasing banter, after all.

Her eyes lit up a little as he mentioned Margaritaville. Who didn't love that place? Their burgers were amazing. Not quite as large as a bear, but they would do.

"Ohhh, that sounds amazing," she agreed, grinning brightly. "Their burgers are amazing." Since he'd suggested it, she thought nothing of dragging him in that direction.

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2012-01-31 05:17 pm UTC (link)
The way her eyes lit up was impossibly cute. The way she got excited about things, well it was one of the things he loved most about his companion.

"Amazing," he agreed. Their burgers really were some of the best he's had.

Owen chucked as she pulled him in the direction of Margaritaville. She was a woman on a mission! Jules lead them to their destination and the closer they got, the stronger the scent was. It made Owen realize just how hungry he was. Not hungry enough to eat a bear, though. Something a little bigger. He was a guy! His metabolism is naturally fast and everyone knows teenage boys are bottomless pits. It's just a fact.

Once they were seated, he grinned over at Jules. This was one of his favorite places. He didn't even need a menu anymore but he picked it up anyway.

"I don't see bear on the menu. You might have to go with plan B," he teased.

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2012-02-03 09:43 pm UTC (link)
Jules tummy was rumbling loudly by the time they reached the restaurant and it made her more than a little impatient to be seated and get their food. She stuck her tongue out at Owen when he teased her about there not being bear on the menu before glancing at it and deciding on the biggest burger they sold along with a large order of fries and a milkshake.

"That waitress needs to hurry up," she grumbled impatiently, pouting a little bit. She wasn't normally so impatient, but she was starving!

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2012-02-06 07:56 pm UTC (link)
"Didn't anyone teach you that patience is a virtue?" Owen was only joking and that should have been obvious by the amused smile on his face as she impatiently willed the waitress to their table.

Moments later the waitress was approaching their table, almost as if she'd heard her summons. While it was impossible for her to have overheard Jules since she had been in the kitchen area, the annoyed expression on the woman's face made Owen think that's what it would look like if she had. That thought made Owen chuckle slightly and he did his best to disguise it with a cough.

Their waitress took Jules order and then Owen ordered his own. It was almost the same as his companions except he went with the burger he wanted to try the last time he was here.

"She looks so happy," Owen said, just after he saw her disappear behind the kitchen doors again.

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2012-02-11 11:42 pm UTC (link)
"One I've never had," Jules joked right along with him. She'd never been good at waiting. When she wanted things, she wanted them now. Especially when food was involved and when she was starving!

Luckily, the waitress came by and took their order, even if she was definitely really grumpy about doing it. Jules was so hungry that the important thing was that their food was ordered and would hopefully soon be on the way.

"Ecstatic," she agreed, giggling as she reached for her water. "I don't think I've ever seen a server so happy to be doing her job."

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