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dari davison ([info]cheergirl) wrote in [info]themouserace,
If anyone understood a desire to be loved, it was Dari. Sure, she had a ton of friends, but there weren't many people in her life who really loved her. There weren't even very many who really knew her. She didn't let it show, but there were times when she felt really lonely. It was a part of why she spent nearly every night with Jeremy. That feeling went away when she was in his arms.

"I am not!" she protested, laughing and shaking her head when he called her a cheater. She'd answered, it just probably wasn't a really acceptable answer, but she had told the truth.

Dari chewed her lip thoughtfully when he reminded her it was her turn to ask him three more questions. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" she asked him first. It was stealing, which was probably a lot like cheating, but oh, well. "If you could be anywhere in the entire world right now, where would you be?" was the second question followed by "If someone handed you a million dollars, no strings attached, how would you spend it?"

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