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jrpushing ([info]jrpushing) wrote in [info]themouserace,
Josh laughed about her comment about dancing. "Hey, I dance," he said smiling. "I do. Leslie made me take a country line dancing class with her in middle school because she didn't want to be the odd numbered girl. I can two step. I just prefer going out with people where you can talk, share something. So many people go out together but thy don't really know each other. You go to a show or a movie and you sit and watch by yourself and then what? Talk about it? I like getting to do things with people. It's nice." He really meant it when he said how he wanted to talk. Probably a large part of that was because he was lonely. He didn't really have friends, close friends. He kept to himself and was afraid to open up. More than that, Josh Roberts, with his huge heart and compassionate nature, always trying to take care of everyone around him, has never really known love. His mother doesn't care about him. His sisters and brother love him, but it's a very shallow sort of love. One he knows comes and goes to an extent with what's happening at home. He wants to be loved, to be put first, to have someone ask how he's doing for the first time in his life.

Josh laughed when she was done answering her questions. "Cheater," he teased that she didn't answer the first one, but that was all right. "No way are you going to get out of this that easy. It's your turn to ask me three questions." He leaned forward and grabbed another strawberry and dipped it in the Cool Whip. This was turning into the first day of summer vacation that didn't feel like a nightmare.

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