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dari davison ([info]cheergirl) wrote in [info]themouserace,
Dari really didn't need any more encouragement than that. Her chicken was forgotten as she tried the strawberry, humming softly as the flavor spread over her tongue. Her eyes slipped closed for a moment as she savored the flavor. It was so good.

"These are amazing," she told him as she reached for another.

She laughed at his quip about the dancing and shook her head. "I bet you'd like it if you tried it," she told him, a hint of a pout on her lips. "Dancing is fun." she knew not everyone liked to dance the way that she did, but she happened to like it a lot and she couldn't understand why anyone wouldn't feel the same.

"I have no idea," she answered his first question with a soft laugh and a shake of her head. That wasn't strictly true, but she wasn't going to freely admit to anyone that her greatest ambition was to simply be loved. Not even to Ashleigh and Jeremy who she knew already loved her. Instead, she continued to answer, "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare and my dogs... I can't pick a favorite between, them, though. I love them both."

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