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dari davison ([info]cheergirl) wrote in [info]themouserace,
Dari's eyes widened visibly when Josh pulled out a large box of strawberries. She could already feel her mouth watering and she anticipated how good they would taste.

"I love them," she breathed. "They're my favorite, too."

She laughed when he bit into the strawberry and the juice rolled down his face. "Do I need to find you a bib?" she teased him, shaking her head. She was grinning, definitely enjoying herself.

"We should!" she agreed between bites of fried chicken. She really wanted to try one of the strawberries, but she was trying to be good. "This is really nice. We don't get to hang out like this often enough."

She meant it. Josh was a great guy. She liked spending time with him and this picnic was pretty much perfect. She was glad they'd decided to do this.

Chewing and swallowing first, she nodded as he proposed game. It sounded like fun. After taking a moment to think, she asked her questions.

"Favorite color. Favorite song. Favorite movie." They were pretty lame as questions went, but they were the first things that came to mind.

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