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dari davison ([info]cheergirl) wrote in [info]themouserace,
Dari was glad she'd talked Josh into getting out and doing something. He was always taking care of his siblings and that was really admirable, but he deserved a little fun, too! Besides, Dari liked Josh. He was really sweet and a little dorky. She enjoyed hanging out with him. And she'd meant it when she'd told him at Chelle's party that he could kiss her anytime. He wasn't Jeremy, but no one was and he was still fun to kiss.

Then again, Dari really liked kissing. It was easily one of her favorite activities.

When he showed up at her door with a picnic basket she beamed at him. Dari loved picnics, too, and she was lookIng forward to hanging out and relaxing with her friend. Being stuck at home with her sister and parents was already planning to suck. She could usually run off to Jeremy or Ashleigh for distraction, but she didn't hate letting Josh be her distraction for a few hours today.

"Chicken sounds great!" she assured him, brushing away the hair that the wind had blown over her face and tucking those strands behind her ear. "And I'm really glad you had some free time," she added, flashing him a bright smile. "Sometimes it's nice to just get away for a few hours, you know?"

Josh wouldn't know why she needed to get away, of course, but she knew him well enough to guess that he would probably agree with the sentiment.

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