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biggestflirt ([info]biggestflirt) wrote in [info]themouserace,
@ 2012-01-19 23:56:00

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Who: Chris Landry and Evey
What: Text Messages
When: Thursday June 18 12PM EST
Rating: PG-13 for adult insinuations

Chris: So I'm sitting here with this mocha and watching the cream swirl in it and it made me think of your eyes and how I haven't seen you in a while.  How are you beautiful?

Evey: I'm good, sexy! How are you?

Chris: Lonely :c
Chris: What are you up to this beautiful day?

E: Not much. Just hanging out by the pool.

C: By the pool? Tell me, one piece or bikini?  I need to get a visual on this. ;)

E: Bikini, of course

C: A bikini, huh? I had no idea you were such a show off!

E: Me? A show off. Of course not. I have to get this perfect body tanned somehow, though ;)

C: You just made me jealous of the sun.  We should play a game.  Would you like to play a game?  It's fun I promise

E: What kind of game, handsome?

C: A sexy game.  It's called quarters.  I made it up.  You rate people around you on how much you would pay to do them and the highest you can pay is a quarter.
C: Like there's a guy standing at the table up there, and he's cute I guess for a guy.  I'd pay a nickel for him.  There's a blonde girl looking at magazines she looks like 12, no 13 cents

E: that game would be more fun if you were here, sexy

C: Oh yeah?  How much would you pay for me?

E: ohhh, about 5 cents ;)

C:  A nickel?!  Guess I better go to the gym

E: :D
E: You could always try to convince me you're worth more...

C: Hmmm let's see what I have to offer...

E: Well?

C: I think you could add a penny for my smile.  Because it's cute and cocky
C: And you have to add at LEAST a dime for my abs baby
C: And I have exceptional stamina being all tall and cut so another dime...
C: Yeah you're at 26 cents.  You can't afford me baby

E: oh, i have the money, but I think I'll need to make a visual inspection before I commit to buying.

C: You definitely want to test drive her, too.  Work all the kinks out

E: Her? So you're a girl now huh?

C: Sometimes.  Just sticking with the prostitute and car metaphor.  You know all cars are girls, right?

E: Even the stick shifts?

C: Especially the stick shifts.  You have to be smooth with them to get them revved up.  All slow and careful, making sure your speed matches hers.

E: Oh, I know how to handle a stick, baby.

C: Do you? Why don't you tell me how you handle it then?

E: I'd much rather show you, handsome.

C: But I'm so far away. :( Not gonna give me anything to hold me over?

E: I'll make it worth your while. I'm really good with my mouth...

C: Are you now? I can only imagine with lips as soft as sweet as yours. Makes me want to leave this little coffee shop and join you at the pool right now

E: I can promise you won't be sorry if you do.

C: I'll go get some trunks and be right there

E: Excellent.

And then he goes to the pool and then things happen. WINK! The End.

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