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melly sullivan ([info]mellydarling) wrote in [info]themouserace,
@ 2012-01-15 18:35:00

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Entry tags:♣ character: josh roberts, ♣ character: melly sullivan, ♥ player: betta, ♥ player: lena

Who: Melly Sullivan and Josh Roberts.
What: She's coming by to "convince" him she's cool.
Where: Josh's garage apartment.
When: Sunday after his update.
Rating: PG-13? IDK, maybe more.
Status: Incomplete.

Melly had been planning to go hang out by the pool or maybe go to the lake and catch some sunshine, so she was dressed in shorts and a tank top with her bikini underneath when she made her way over to Josh's place. She was hoping maybe she could convince him to go swimming with her a little later, but she was kind of cool with just hanging out in his room with him, too. That definitely had some possibilities.

A large grin was spread over her face as she let herself in like he'd told her to. Even if they were just going to hang out, she was looking forward to spending a little time with him. They'd been out together a few times and even if she'd gone to the prom with Aaron, she always had a really great time with Josh. There was just something about him.

"Hey, sexy, what ya doin?" she greeted him once she'd come into the room.

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2012-01-15 10:20 pm UTC (link)
Josh turned as he heard her come in to his room, well really it was more like a studio apartment. There was a door on the side of the garage that led to the stairs up to his little pad. He had a tv and a couch when you first walked in, a computer desk sort of in the middle of the room with a bookcase making like a little hallway separating the rest of the room and his bed. His big bed. He loved his bed. He was such a lazy bones most days when he wasn't working or doing something with his siblings. Laying in bed reading usually. It was his favorite place. He was sitting at his computer desk and turned when she came in. Her words bringing a smile to his face.

"Ha, I'm sexy? Look at you. Do your legs ever end?" He stayed sitting, sort of rocking side to side in his desk chair, his eyes drawn up her curves and the way her top fell. "And really, you had nothing better to do than come hang out with my lame butt? Or are you here to accept my challenge? Or are you going to drag me out into the sunshine to see if I'm a vampire and I'll explode?" He laughed and smiled, running a hand through his messy hair.

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2012-01-15 10:27 pm UTC (link)
"Maybe a little of all three," Melly admitted, flashing him a flirtatious little grin. She knew she looked good, but she didn't hate seeing the way her looked at her.

She grinned again as she approached him, helping herself to his lap as she leaned forward to run her own fingers through his curls.

"Actually, I was thinking we should go swimming," she began, leaning in a little bit more, "but now I'm thinking it might be nice to stay in for a little while."

She didn't give him much of a chance to response before she leaned in further and brushed a kiss over his lips.

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2012-01-15 10:43 pm UTC (link)
Josh couldn't deny that he liked that little smile and the way she moved toward him, the way the light caught her hair and all that. And when she moved into his lap and touched him it made his heart skip a beat in excitement.

He was listening to her words... Kind of... But he was kind of mesmerized by her forwardness, and the way she leaned forward like that. The way his arms just naturally wrapped around her waist. Something about swimming, and staying in...

And when her lips touched his, his eyes fluttered closed and he kissed her. His brain sort of turned off a little, more like turned the volume down, and he found himself deepening the kiss, his arms tightening around her and his hands pulling her closer.

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2012-01-15 11:00 pm UTC (link)
This was definitely an incentive to stay in. Melly felt like she fitted so well into Josh's lap and she loved the way his mouth felt against hers, the way his lips responded to her kiss.

"Mmmm," she hummed an approval when he deepened the kiss and she was more than willing to be pulled closer when his hands pulled at her.

"I like this room," she murmured without quite lifting her lips from his. Hand fingers moved though his curls before her hands slid down over his shoulders and his back.

Was there anything better than kissing? Coming over here had definitely been a good idea.

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2012-01-15 11:27 pm UTC (link)
Josh moaned a little bit as her hands moved over him. He loved hands on his shoulders. It made him feel big. People always told me he gave the best hugs, like a giant bear or something, wrapping people in his arms. He wanted to feel her nails against him, take this deeper. More.

One arm let go of her waist while the other pulled her tighter against him, his hand moving to her neck, his thumb caressing the bottom of her jaw. His tongue licked at her lips, wanting to take the kiss further and deeper, more heat. More everything.

He wasn't like this normally, he didn't just kiss girls like this, at least he didn't think he did. But right now, he wasn't thinking and just feeling.

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2012-01-16 05:54 pm UTC (link)
Melly was all for taking this further. She loved kissing, but she loved all the other things kissing tended to progress to, too. She loved it all and she was starting to really like Josh.

Besides, she was meant to be convincing him she was cool. What better way to demonstrate it than here on his lap like this?

Her lips parted with a soft moan at the urging of his tongue. Her own tongue moved forward to meet his, brushing against him. He tasted amazing. It only made Melly want more.

"Mmmm," she hummed her approval as she let the kiss deepen and her hands slid further down his back, reaching for the hem of his shirt.

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2012-01-16 06:21 pm UTC (link)
This was nice. A lot more intense than that time in the park. And out behind the school. But nice. Josh wanted to feel wanted, wanted to feel good like this, and wanted to not think.

And he was thoroughly not thinking as he pulled her body hard against him, sitting up in the chair and letting his tongue delve deep inside her, swirling and pressing to hers. Her warm breath and that velvety tongue making him lose some of the hold he had on himself.

So, when Melly's hands ran down his back, and he shuddered slightly, he didn't object as she grabbed his shirt. They'd done this twice before, he thought. It was ok that he pulled away from her for a second and pulled his shirt over his head then reached for the bottom of hers and pulled it up over her head. She had her bathing suit on, it'd be like making out at the pool. She wanted to go to the pool. This was ok. They were just kissing, right? And it wasn't like she was some stranger or just some random girl. He could make out with someone he'd already kind of gone on a couple of dates with. And not have his shirt on. Josh let his hands sort of touch her waist, staring at her body, then pulling her to him again and kissing her with more purpose.

It was just kissing...

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2012-01-16 06:32 pm UTC (link)
It was just kissing, but god did it feel good. Melly loved the feel of his hands on her. She loved the way he pulled her against him. Josh was a lot better looking under that shirt than she would have expected and she couldn't help smirking once she noticed.

Her nails scraped against the skin on his back as her hands moved back up over his back and shoulders. God, he felt good. His flavor, the way his body felt against hers. Melly definitely wasn't having any kind of internal struggle over this. She wanted this. She wanted more. She wanted him.

She wanted to press kisses over other parts of him, but that would require her to pull her lips from his. She wasn't ready to do that, yet. Instead, she hummed another approval as her mouth pulled a little more hungrily at his.

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2012-01-16 06:53 pm UTC (link)
He wasn't entirely sure what had gotten into him. His hand ran over the back of her head, feeling her curls in his fingers. His other hand moved up and down her back, kneading at her skin, pulling her closer to him.

All the while his lips pressed hard against her, his tongue moving with hers, his chest rising and falling against her. Everything felt too hot, but his head was sort of getting fuzzy and dizzy from his feelings. Every part of him that touched her seemed to be like an electrical wire bouncing free and shooting off sparks. Their skin touching was making his head buzz, and he gasped as her fingers scraped his back. That felt so good and he made him pull back for air, his head leaning against hers, his lips a hair's breath from hers, and his chest pressing to her.

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