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mouseracemods ([info]mouseracemods) wrote in [info]themouserace,
@ 2012-01-01 09:54:00

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PROM 2011!
Who: Juniors and Seniors + their dates!
What: 2011 Junior/Senior Prom!
Where: some fancy hotel ballroom in Chicago
When: Saturday May 31st, 2011
Rating: Label your threads if it goes past PG, please!
Status: GROUP THREAD/OOC DISCUSSION. Comment to the appropriate thread(s). Make sure to include the characters involved (and whether it's open) in your subject line. Also include a rating if you expect it to go past PG.

Lazy mod is too lazy to come up with a theme and pictures. It's prom-y.

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2012-02-12 03:07 pm UTC (link)
Ashleigh whimpered softly when Ed cleaned her of her release. Her fingertips pressed into his scalp. The muscles in her thighs quivered. It probably went without saying, but she never got tired of this.

She was still breathing heavily when he shifted up her body, but that didn't keep her from pulling him into a deep kiss. Her arms wrapped tightly around his frame, pulling him closer, as she nipped and sucked at each of his lips. She could taste herself on him, but that didn't discourage her in any way. If anything, it encouraged her.

"I want you, Ed," she breathed between kisses.

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