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mouseracemods ([info]mouseracemods) wrote in [info]themouserace,
@ 2012-01-01 09:54:00

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PROM 2011!
Who: Juniors and Seniors + their dates!
What: 2011 Junior/Senior Prom!
Where: some fancy hotel ballroom in Chicago
When: Saturday May 31st, 2011
Rating: Label your threads if it goes past PG, please!
Status: GROUP THREAD/OOC DISCUSSION. Comment to the appropriate thread(s). Make sure to include the characters involved (and whether it's open) in your subject line. Also include a rating if you expect it to go past PG.

Lazy mod is too lazy to come up with a theme and pictures. It's prom-y.

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Re: ASHED - Dancing - PG SO FAR
2012-01-11 05:11 am UTC (link)
Ed was happy to return the affectionate kiss that was brushed over his lips. His lips were curved into a smile as they lingered against hers and he hummed a soft approval as they kissed.

"Is that right?" he asked, smirking a little more as she elaborated on her thoughts about the tux he was wearing. He knew he was attractive, of course. He knew he looked incredibly sexy in the tux he was wearing. He definitely didn't hate hearing that she couldn't wait to get him out of his clothes, though. The blush on her skin was a bonus. She was already beautiful, but when she flushed like that, she became even sexier than usual.

"Funny," he murmured, his breath tickling her ear as he leaned in. "I was thinking the same thing about your dress.."

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Re: ASHED - Dancing - PG SO FAR
2012-01-11 02:38 pm UTC (link)
"That's right," she answered.

As soon as the words left her mouth, she began to stroke her hands over his shoulders and biceps. It was almost as if she intended to demonstrate how very difficult it was for her to behave... how it was a struggle to keep her hands to herself.

"I'm looking forward to kissing you from head to toe," she murmured for his ears alone.

Her blush intensified with that statement, but it was getting easier to ignore. She meant what she was saying, after all, and it was something that they'd been doing for quite a while.

A shiver ran down her spine when he whispered in her ear, and a low moan rumbled within her chest. They had yet to make love, but they did other things... things that she was suddenly looking forward to.

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Re: ASHED - Dancing - PG SO FAR
2012-01-11 03:42 pm UTC (link)
Ed groaned softly at his girlfriend's words. Needless to say, he was very much looking forward to being alone with her. They hadn't had sex, yet, but despite his past experiences, he wasn't in any real rush. He loved Ashleigh. He loved the things they did do together. He might get a little shit from the other guys about dating a girl who, in their mocking words, was never going to put out, but he was happy just to be with her. He wanted her, more than he had ever wanted anyone, but he happened to think she was well worth waiting for.

"You know," he practically purred in her ear as his hands slid smoothly over her back, "we could go up to our room whenever you wanted." A set of fingers tangled in her hair and his lips pressed to a spot just below her ear that he knew was usually particularly sensitive.

If it wasn't obvious, Ed was definitely ready to go upstairs to the room he'd reserved for them. As nice as it was dancing with her, the things they were suggesting, the things they could be doing if they were truly alone, sounded much, much nicer.

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Re: ASHED - Dancing - PG SO FAR
2012-01-12 02:19 am UTC (link)
Ashleigh knew that Ed was ready for them to make love. He hadn't tried to push or pressure her... he hadn't even said anything to that effect, but he didn't need to. She'd known him long enough that she was capable of reading him. Not to mention, that was one issue in which his reputation preceded him.

She gasped softly when his fingers tangled in her hair and his lips pressed to that incredibly sensitive spot of flesh just below her ear. His suggestion had caused her blush to deepen, but at the moment, she found it difficult to care. After all, she was equally ready to retire for the evening.

"I'm ready whenever you are," she murmured.

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Re: ASHED - Dancing - PG SO FAR
2012-01-12 02:45 am UTC (link)
Continued here!

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