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dari davison ([info]cheergirl) wrote in [info]themouserace,
Re: OOC Discussions.
James was there with Kris.
Sage was there with Scotty.
Benjy was there with Abbie. People could know they got a room for after the dance.
Jules was there with.. NPC. Since no one IG asked her.
Melly was there with Aaron, I think?
Ed was there with Ashleigh. People could know they got a room for after the dance.
Evey was there with.. NPC. Since no one IG asked her.
Jase was there with Libby.
Bryant was there with Savannah. Duh.
Bri was there with Rob.
Chelle was there with some NPC jock. She wasn't asked by anyone IG, but I think she would have been asked.

Those are all of mine that went/were invited, I think.

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