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Olive Elaine Hornby. ([info]olivebranch) wrote in [info]thegarden,
@ 2009-07-11 16:35:00

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I'm always pretty happy when I'm just kicking back with you.
WHO, Olive Hornby and Alfred Potter.
WHAT, Olive’s making dinner and Alfred has to eat it.
WHEN, End of August, a few weeks before school.
WHERE, Olive’s house.
STATUS, Incomplete.

Olive Hornby was not a cook. Despite the fact that it was the forties and most girls knew how to cook a hearty meal at the age of twelve, Olive was an exception. Her mother was a working journalist with a sick son and had little time to teach the lessons of being a lady to her daughter, especially when she herself didn’t even know how to cook. In fact, the best cook in the house was her father. So Olive learned on her own, and though she wasn’t great, she wasn’t THAT bad, not matter what Alfred Potter said.

“Liam,” She called to her brother from the kitchen, covering her face from the steam rising from the boiling water, “look out for Alfredo, okay? He should be flooing over here soon.” She heard her triplet mumble in acknowledgement and satisfied, went back to her cooking. Already she had been belittled twice; once from her other triplet, Sebastian who claimed that who ever was eating that would end up dead the next morning, and the second from her father, who had taken one look at his boyish daughter wearing a frilly pink apron and trying to cook and laughed. 

“I can cook!” She demanded both times, and it had become her mantra as she poured the pasta into the hot water, and began mixing the sauce and prepping the salad. Her brow was furrowed in deep concentration, and she was in the zone. 

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2009-07-13 12:20 pm UTC (link)
He bit his lip when her hand went to his face, he couldn't help it. She was a best friend, yes, but a very very PRETTY best friend, and it wasn't fair that she was pretty. Oh well. He had learned a long time ago that she was much more mean than she was pretty, and she proved that when she whacked him with a spoon. He frowned, and retaliated by stealing the spoon and waving it at her threateningly. Not, of course, that he'd EVER hit her. He couldn't. He didn't hit girls. And despite all thoughts to the contrary, she was still a girl. He sighed at her.

"I will never look like alfredo sauce, as I'm not pale and thick. Just pale. And besides, it's not that my parents named me after that. Silly."

He ruffled her hair, smirking.

"And I like these glasses. They make me look fetching."

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2009-07-13 12:33 pm UTC (link)
Olive gave him a little smirk when he bit his lip. Despite the fact that they were best friends, a small part of her kept wondering if they could be something more, ever since the party after O.W.L.s last year where they'd gotten drunk and she kissed him. It was a quick kiss but a kiss nonetheless, and she would be lying if she said she didn't feel anything. They never talked about it; she hated being awkward and serious, and so she acted as though nothing happened. But she didn't want anything to happen. She liked being his best friend. Anything more would be...weird. She thinks.

"You are definitely as pale as alfredo sauce, darling, but it's alright. You're parents did too name you after it. Why do think I started your nickname? I had a nice chat with them a few years back and tada! Alfredo."

She made a face when he ruffled her hair, and pushed his hand away and back into his face.

"Yes, darling they make you look like a dashing little geek."

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2009-07-13 02:12 pm UTC (link)
This wasn't fair, this wasn't fair. He remembered the kiss really, really well. It had been completely accidental. It was after OWL's, they were talking, laughing, she was scooted in close to him...so close that people were beginning to question it, in fact...and then when no one else was looking they'd kissed. It was nothing. A peck. But it was the most glorious peck he'd ever experienced,and that bothered the hell out of him. So of course, the next day, he'd gone and flirted with that little blonde in his Transfiguration class to make him feel better. And it didn't work. He didn't feel better. In fact, he was very sure that nothing less than Minnie in underpants could make him feel better. He'd suggest that sometime, just to see, but he would just get a glare and a slap. Bugger. He frowned at Olive.

"You're paler. I'm hungry. Are you done yet? When's dinner?"

This is what he did when he got uncomfortable. He became three years old again and began asking a string of questions that never ended until she shut him up.

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2009-07-13 07:32 am UTC (link)
Olive could tell he was uncomfortable, mostly because of the short sentences and endless questions. She hated it, hated being uncomfortable and awkward, so she laughed and poked him rather hard in the stomach with her spoon. When in doubt, Olive was abusive.

“You’re white as a sheet, idiot. And there’s no way I can get this done if you’re here asking me every five minutes and distracting me with your dork glasses.”

She went back to work, straining the noodles and putting the pasta back in the pot and pouring the sauce in with it. She felt like a housewife, and it was a really strange feeling. Olive didn't like the idea of being a housewife, and whoever Olive married in the future, if she even got married, better be able to handle that. As she began to mix, she looked over her shoulder at him, nodding her head towards the salad.

“Make yourself useful and finish the salad,” She demanded.

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2009-07-13 07:13 pm UTC (link)
"I'm distracting you with my incredibly charming glasses, you mean."

He corrected, grabbing the spoon away from her and tapping her on the head with it. He wasn't going to hurt her, of course, but it was okay to threaten, right? He made up for it by sitting on the counter and smiling at her disarmingly, in what he thought was a very dashing manner indeed. He liked her like this, all domestic, but it wasn't exactly normal and he was weirded out by it a little. He was happy to hop down from the counter and mixing the salad. He was rather good at that sort of thing from home.

"Yes, dear."

He smirked, leaning over and kissing her forehead because he wanted to make her feel strange now. Well he thought that would work.

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2009-07-13 07:20 pm UTC (link)
She snorted, and said, "hardly," as she began spooning the finished pasta onto two little ceramic plates with flowers on them. Her grandmum gave them to her on her 16th birthday for some reason, and Olive always thought it was appropriate to use them whenever she made dinner for Alfred. She didn't look at him as he was fixing up the salad, focusing on her delicious (atleast she hoped it was delicious) meal, but her focus was shot as soon ash e leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. It was a simple kiss, much like the one she had asked for earlier, but it was different. Domestic. Sort of like they were married. Which freaked the hell out of her.

Olive laughed maybe a little too loudly, and tried to shrug off her confusion. Alfred was her FRIEND. One of her bests. And that was all.

"Look at that, I've got you tamed. Olive Hornby, taming boys since 1942. I could make it my career, taming husbands for their wives and whatnot." She was babbling, and she hoped he wouldn't notice.

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