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Olive Elaine Hornby. ([info]olivebranch) wrote in [info]thegarden,
@ 2009-07-11 16:35:00

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I'm always pretty happy when I'm just kicking back with you.
WHO, Olive Hornby and Alfred Potter.
WHAT, Olive’s making dinner and Alfred has to eat it.
WHEN, End of August, a few weeks before school.
WHERE, Olive’s house.
STATUS, Incomplete.

Olive Hornby was not a cook. Despite the fact that it was the forties and most girls knew how to cook a hearty meal at the age of twelve, Olive was an exception. Her mother was a working journalist with a sick son and had little time to teach the lessons of being a lady to her daughter, especially when she herself didn’t even know how to cook. In fact, the best cook in the house was her father. So Olive learned on her own, and though she wasn’t great, she wasn’t THAT bad, not matter what Alfred Potter said.

“Liam,” She called to her brother from the kitchen, covering her face from the steam rising from the boiling water, “look out for Alfredo, okay? He should be flooing over here soon.” She heard her triplet mumble in acknowledgement and satisfied, went back to her cooking. Already she had been belittled twice; once from her other triplet, Sebastian who claimed that who ever was eating that would end up dead the next morning, and the second from her father, who had taken one look at his boyish daughter wearing a frilly pink apron and trying to cook and laughed. 

“I can cook!” She demanded both times, and it had become her mantra as she poured the pasta into the hot water, and began mixing the sauce and prepping the salad. Her brow was furrowed in deep concentration, and she was in the zone. 

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2009-07-14 02:47 am UTC (link)
Alfred was very sorry he'd refused to dish out the food, because she began looking VERY scary immediately while doing it. Like an Olive-robot. A smiley Olive-robot. Is this what she would be like as a wife someday? Not that she was going to be HIS wife someday. In fact, that thought was just odd and strange. He refused to allow it. But in any case, he was rather happy when she kicked him in the shins. It felt more home-like. He stabbed a piece of lettuce with his fork and stuck his tongue out at her, smirking.

"I am NOT a house-pet, Ol-love. You have never and will never pet me, because if you do, I'll bite you."

Belatedly, he frowned at her and added, "And there's nothing wrong with cats. Take it back now."

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2009-07-18 02:06 am UTC (link)
Olive was pleased with how quickly the awkwardness left, and immediately forgot about the whole ordeal. That was how she was, and she was grateful for that particular trait. She grinned, and reached out to pet his hair much she would pet a cat, (if she ever were to pet one of those mean creatures), and made a show of it.

“You’d never bite me. You see, you are too tame to bite your MASTER.”

When he began to defend cats, she laughed, and made a face at him. “Everything is wrong with cats. They’re mean. They’re like, a dark wizard’s—no, a NAZI’s, favorite animal, no joke.”

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2009-07-18 07:30 am UTC (link)
He wrinkled his nose and snapped his teeth at her when she tried to "pet" him, much like a cat would do. Hey. If she said he was, he may as well try to be. Instead of actually biting her, though, he shooed her away with a shake of his head.

"I WILL bite you, Olive Hornby. It'll be hard and it will hurt. You just try to pet me again. And you aren't my master. I could sit on you and crush you and kill you, you definitely aren't my master."

He reached over and wrinkled her hair after that, just to show her.

"I'm NOT Hitler!"

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2009-07-18 07:38 am UTC (link)
She jumped when he made like he was biting her, and gave him a look when he didn't. Olive laughed at his pseudo threat, and reached out to pet him again.

"You'd never. I'm far too strong for you anyways, and you could therefore not crush me and kill me. Even if you could, you wouldn't, because you looove me." She gave him a little smile, and dug into her pasta.

"I never said you were, but your love of cats is definitely questionable."

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