Olive gave him a little smirk when he bit his lip. Despite the fact that they were best friends, a small part of her kept wondering if they could be something more, ever since the party after O.W.L.s last year where they'd gotten drunk and she kissed him. It was a quick kiss but a kiss nonetheless, and she would be lying if she said she didn't feel anything. They never talked about it; she hated being awkward and serious, and so she acted as though nothing happened. But she didn't want anything to happen. She liked being his best friend. Anything more would be...weird. She thinks.
"You are definitely as pale as alfredo sauce, darling, but it's alright. You're parents did too name you after it. Why do think I started your nickname? I had a nice chat with them a few years back and tada! Alfredo."
She made a face when he ruffled her hair, and pushed his hand away and back into his face.
"Yes, darling they make you look like a dashing little geek."
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