He bit his lip when her hand went to his face, he couldn't help it. She was a best friend, yes, but a very very PRETTY best friend, and it wasn't fair that she was pretty. Oh well. He had learned a long time ago that she was much more mean than she was pretty, and she proved that when she whacked him with a spoon. He frowned, and retaliated by stealing the spoon and waving it at her threateningly. Not, of course, that he'd EVER hit her. He couldn't. He didn't hit girls. And despite all thoughts to the contrary, she was still a girl. He sighed at her.
"I will never look like alfredo sauce, as I'm not pale and thick. Just pale. And besides, it's not that my parents named me after that. Silly."
He ruffled her hair, smirking.
"And I like these glasses. They make me look fetching."
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