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Olive Elaine Hornby. ([info]olivebranch) wrote in [info]thegarden,
When he kissed her, Olive tried to ignore the fluttery feeling in her stomach. She smiled, and put one hand on her hips and let the other go to his face, letting her finger trace his jaw line tauntingly. Boy, was she glad her father wasn’t around, or he would have thrown a fit.

“You’re right, it’s just so hard to resist you and your nerdy face.” She turned away from him, but when he made to sample the sauce, she whopped him in the face with her spoon.

“Back off, saucy boy, or you’ll end up looking like your namesake.”

She shifted to the noodles, making sure they didn’t burn like last time. The only reason she couldn’t cook was because he was always distracting her. So really, it was HIS fault she wasn’t that great.

“I think you have way too many pairs of the same kind, Alfredo.”

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