Olive made a face at him, indicating that she did not approve of this obvious housewife chore of hers. He could get his dinner perfectly fine, he was just being annoying. But she went along with it anyway, and made a show of setting everything out on the table, a big, slightly creepy housewife smile on her face the whole time. When she finished, she finally sat down across from him, kicking him in the shins in the process, because she was feeling particularly abusive.
"Lies, Fredo. You are like a house cat, blindly following me around and asking for pets and belly rubs, and I, as your loving master, oblige, most of the time. Unless you're being annoying, like most cats." Olive hated cats. They creeped her out. That, and she knew Alfred loved them, so it was fun to say she hated them.
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