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Olive Elaine Hornby. ([info]olivebranch) wrote in [info]thegarden,
@ 2009-07-10 00:50:00

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Attached is A baby blue beret, a matching ascot, and a lovely striped sweater.

Attached is an eiffel tower souvenir, a basket of baguettes, and a picture of a true blue frenchman.

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2009-07-11 12:43 am UTC (link)
Dear dear Minnie,

I’ve been told that on occasion, yes, but it's all lies, I tell you. But you’ve no idea how pleased I am that you plan on putting those obviously sensible items to use. (I told the Frenchman all about you, he said you sound like a fine young woman. So yes, dress to impress!)


Yours, with all of your love,
Ollie <3 <3 <3 (lots of hearts, just for you)

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owl to ollie
2009-07-11 05:16 am UTC (link)

Oh, that Frenchman will know all the ways to my heart now that you've told him all about me, I'm sure. I do hope he likes magic and..well...I don't even know, really. Cute outfits? Yes, that's right. (Did you manage to meet anyone from Beauxbatons? Were their robes beautiful and posh? I wish ours were. I hate ties.)

What have you gotten for Alfred? I suppose it's something that will help him with the ladies, but really they will take one look at him and turn up their noses. Good job, you.

All I have ever wanted to give you is my love, I promise.

<3 <3, these hearts baffle me,

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2009-07-11 03:30 pm UTC (link)
Skinny Minnie,

Oh trust me, he knows all of your little secrets. I wouldn't be surprised if he came over here in desperate search of you, he thought you were that lovely. (And yes, I walked by the french version of Diagon Alley, and there were thousands of GEE-ORGOUS robes sitting in the shop, and one girl was getting hers fitted. SO JEALOUS. We should start a petition for similar ones.)

Oh, you know me too well, Minnie dear. I MAY have gotten him a baby blue beret with matching ascot and striped sweater to bring out the french in him, but you know, I could be kidding. Or not. He sent me a picture this morning actually, and I must say, it makes his eyes pop.


<3 <3 <3, they just express my love darling,
Jolly Ollie.

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owl to ollie
2009-07-11 07:23 pm UTC (link)
Jolly Ollie-

(I am so jealous. We should petition for them. Too bad Headmaster Dippet is boring and old. Urgh.)

Oh dear. Do be nice to the picture, it doesn't know the cruelness of the human world, yet.

-Skinny Minnie (you are skinnier than me, you know this, right?)

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2009-07-12 03:05 pm UTC (link)
Super Skinny Minnie,

(I know, really. I think you should become headmaster, Minnie. Or rather, Headmistress. You would be a firecracker. A diva. You'd get the ladies those gorgeous robes and allow us to actually decorate the walls with things other than annoying paintings that like to cat call at you when you walk by and all would be well. Ah, I can see it now. We'd make Hogwarts such a lovely place. I say we because obviously, I would be your 2nd in command.)

I was only planning on hexing it onto the walls of the Gryffindor common room. And maybe the Great Hall.

-Giant Jolly Ollie. (LIES FROM YOUR MOUTH. You are a stick! A very pretty stick, mind you, but a stick!)

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owl to olive
2009-07-13 06:24 am UTC (link)

Apparently, you are a pickle. And obviously we should control the school. It would be much, much better. I've heard Professor Dumbledore is next in line after Dippet.

Oh, that's alright then. Hex away.

-Apparently Skinny Minnie (Yes a stick stuck in the mud or something like that.)

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