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Olive Elaine Hornby. ([info]olivebranch) wrote in [info]thegarden,
Super Skinny Minnie,

(I know, really. I think you should become headmaster, Minnie. Or rather, Headmistress. You would be a firecracker. A diva. You'd get the ladies those gorgeous robes and allow us to actually decorate the walls with things other than annoying paintings that like to cat call at you when you walk by and all would be well. Ah, I can see it now. We'd make Hogwarts such a lovely place. I say we because obviously, I would be your 2nd in command.)

I was only planning on hexing it onto the walls of the Gryffindor common room. And maybe the Great Hall.

-Giant Jolly Ollie. (LIES FROM YOUR MOUTH. You are a stick! A very pretty stick, mind you, but a stick!)

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