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Minerva Alice McGonagall ([info]mcgoogles) wrote in [info]thegarden,
@ 2009-08-06 01:06:00

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Who: Tom and Minnie
Where: the room of requirement, I'm guessing.
When: eight o clock

Minnie stood in front of the tapestry at eight o clock sharp, never one to be late. As much as Tom freaked her out, she was still incredibly intrigued by him. He was charming for some reason, and he had this way of making you think he could read your mind. It was unnerving, but fascinating. Minnie was always hesitant to get to know him better, however, since there was something about him that didn't seem right.

Of course, that feeling obviously didn't extend to her learning more about the castle. And she figured if he tried anything, she'd be fine. She could take care of herself, after all.

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2009-08-06 08:02 am UTC (link)
He shrugged, turning back to look at the tapestry, then looking back at the empty wall. He contemplated his answer for a moment, letting her wonder, and spoke rather matter-of-factly. "I'd like to think I'll be able to do something that would give them a good reason to put me up there," he paused, looking at her, "but it'd be a little embarrassing, to be honest."

Tom smiled, a little wickedly. "Good. Close your eyes, then."

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2009-08-06 08:13 am UTC (link)
That sounded hopeful to Minnie, like perhaps he wouldn't turn out to be evil, just because he was in Slytherin. She smiled at him politely, not knowing quite how to answer.

She laughed nervously and closed her eyes, against her better judgment.

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2009-08-07 01:52 am UTC (link)
A small smirked played on Tom's face as he briefly thought of all the things he wanted to do to make himself worthy of being in Hogwarts. He shook his head, turning his attention back to the stone wall. He began to pace; walking once towards the right, then turning around and walking the opposite direction, and then turning back again, thinking hard about a pleasant room where two could sit and chat. When he looked at the wall again, he saw it; a tall metal door with intricate designs had formed in the wall where previously, there had been nothing. He smirked, then gently tapped Minnie on the shoulder, letting his fingers linger a little longer than he should have.


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2009-08-07 05:26 am UTC (link)
Minnie opened her eyes and gasped, not just at his fingers still on her shoulder (which was creeping her out), but at the giant, magnificent door. She walked forward, reaching out to touch it.

"Where does it lead?"

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