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Olive Elaine Hornby. ([info]olivebranch) wrote in [info]thegarden,
@ 2009-08-04 01:20:00

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You think it's cool to be crazy.
WHO: Olive Hornby and Alfred Potter.
WHAT: Alfred is attacked by books, and Olive comes to his rescue.
WHEN: Evening, first week of school.
WHERE: Library.
STATUS: Incomplete.

Despite the fact that she had intentionally ignored Alfred on the train, Olive found herself missing his company. After being annoyed to death by his attempt at ignoring her back, she had convinced him to give her another chance, and he responded by telling her he was trapped. And Olive, whose imagination was probably far too odd for her own good, believed that he really was trapped. And ever the hero, she had raced to the library to save her best friend from the tower of books that seemed to have ensnared him.

“Fredo!” She shouted, disregarding the fact that shouting in a library was practically taboo. After getting shushed by nearly everyone in the library, she raced through the shelves, loudly whispering his name while knocking every poor soul that happened to be in her way to the side.

But Alfred was no where to be seen. She brought a hand to her forehead rather dramatically, and sighed, letting herself fall back against the bookshelf behind her.

“I’m too late!”

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2009-08-04 09:56 pm UTC (link)
Olive jumped upon hearing his voice, and turned around and around in search of her best friend. She saw a hand peeking over a stack of books and was oddly disappointed to find that she didn’t really have to rescue him from a mountain of books. Sighing, she approached the hand, and knocked the stack of books off the table he was sitting at carelessly. She made herself comfortable by seating herself in the same spot the books had previously been and leaned forward, flicking Alfred in the middle of his forehead.

“You liar, you said you were trapped! I dropped my very exciting agenda for the day just to come and rescue you, you know.” She moved her attention to all the books around him, and picked one up with two fingers, as if it were toxic. She looked at it distastefully, then dropped it, turning her attention back to him.

“What are you doing reading, anyways?”

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